“when you kill a bear, you may be killing your self … know and honor your humble place within one ecosystem” – David Harmony

Listen to this amazing account of how seeds are distributed across the Great Lakes area, or as we Anishinaabe say, Nayaano-nibiimaang Gichigamiin

Joe Pitawanakwat is an expert on dietary history of the Anishinaabe (and for that ‘matterING’ one could infer for human beings overall).

“We are carnivores, not herbivores!”

From his video, we understand the regression into our [non] Present day scenario full of dis-ease, disease, and the ‘battle against Cancer’. Perhaps we should go back further to ask “why do we make the dietary suggestions we DO and who stands to benefit economically from that diverging interest and influence?” – David Harmony

We should inquire on WHY we accept eating what is Plentiful, and be curious about what else we might eat. We should FEEL the effects of any-thing we eat and internally reflect on what ELSE we might eat instead. We should calibrate our behavior based on our PERSONAL internal feedback. No?