Harmony's purpose for incarnation ,
is to rebalance the energies
labeled Feminine or Masculine,
to reduce the manifesting extremes of Suffering
- the feeling of Fear and lonely incarceration
in a world we didn't "make".

He will attempt to return Humans Being
to a state of Natural (unWounded) eXpression
of both energies available and residing within every Being,

These polar energies are usually far more well balanced
within the More Than human being,
because these Relatives follow and honor
the Natural Way of existing
without obsessing over "self" and the importance of
Individual Thought and Perspective versus 💫ther's view within Life


The current macro theme of Life seems to be
Masculine Wounded energy dominating over
Feminine Healthy eXpression, which would 💫ther-wise  offer
Nurturing Love and Compassion for all That Existing.

What i Do

What i Do

I help people find ways to EASILY focus their Attention and Connection in Life to realize a Compassionate, Shared Existence that feels as great at Life’s END as it did during childhood innocence.”

Why?   What’s the problem or missed opportunity?

The Human experience has degraded substantially, from what our Ancestors understood, nurtured and cherished.

How many adults do you honestly know, who are totally at peace and blissfully happy, like an innocent child without true concern for ‘the future’?   In my Life experience, I can count them on one hand.

The [just] cause that i live for requires a massive shift of prevailing energy, shared Thought and Action, before Anxiety and the Feel of a Life in Separation reaches a tipping point of no return on Remembering who we really are.   Read More

We have abdicated our Natural freedom, inherent virtue, and personal responsibility.  We have placed so much outward reliance on Other for our [false sense of] security and “God-granted right to prosper [at expense of Other]“.  We no longer even Trust our starting human condition.  ManUnkind’s organizing activity taught us to beLIEve that by default, from day 1 of childhood innocence, that a Person is “not trust worthy” and in certain Orthodoxy, “no damn good”.   In the “creator as monarch” model, we are somehow “deposited into” [soul concept] a reality that pre dates us-apart.   We didn’t start the fire!   We learn to blame Other from day one.  Blame the President, Congress, Parents, Teachers, Coaches for our “growing problems” and dissatisfaction in Life.  Blame any-one but the Self.

As a result of our displaced Responsibility, we have unkNowingly given up the ability to Sense & Adapt through Direct Experiencing of Life, and thus our Responsibility – our ability to Respond with NATURAL Ability.

My Knowing is the opposite from the vast majority of Humans unconsciously living this world.

My view is that we ARE our very BEST at birth, before Other attempts to Condition us into forgetting our divine origin.

Juxtapose my view with the prevailing behavior reinforced by Western parenting and Systems of Conditioning:  The child is only “half a person and on probation until they prove ready for entry into the so-called real world”.

Where we go astray is in the Thoughtless following and adherence to Guardians.  Our insincere guardians over-reach through “Life as Serious Business and the fight to just Survive“.   They pass along their own lifetime of Conditioning, “convincing” us through merciless daily influence and Consideration Seeking from us-apart, that we are NOT to be trusted and thus, that we are NOT self-empowered and NOT accountable for our Happenings.   Some Other holds us accountable instead, with an iron fist of LAW presiding over us, Judging our daily actions which perpetuate Judgement of Other.   This relentless, ongoing Judging of one andother, is the origin of all pain.

I have challenged the more Orthodox, toxic views of Life, to consider that the End of Days is not about us receiving “Judgement from the Monarch”, but exactly the opposite – that the END is of us-apart Judging each other and as a result, a return to a more balanced Utopia, Heaven [on earth] or whatever Labels you wish to apply.   This is what all our ancestors nurtured and cherished, before the ConCept and Conditioning to beLIEve in and reinforce a hierarchal scheme where Humans had divine right to rule over all else [in God’s ‘image’].

Instead, through living a life that is Perception-biased, rather than biased towards indirect teachings and frantic Conceptualization about what is, could be, or should be, you may come to witness my own view of Life.   That-we are born OUT FROM this reality and it’s cumulative Present condition.   It IS ABSOLUTELY our shared responsibility, to retain our inherent virtue by honing and nurturing the Five senses, constantly striving for a SHARED reality with so-called Others.   As we witness our Connection in Life, we are inspired to Include ALL of Life’s activity, freeing us to willingly and effortlessly Adapt to the needs of Other.

I help a person “start life strong and finish strong” by enabling a Direct witnessing of their inherent, blissful Connection with all Things in Events Flowing across their Lifetime.

Many beautiful moments past were missed or misinterpreted, by Judgement and lack of Presence during those moments of what could have been a loving Reminding – of who we are and why we’re here.   I show people how Judgement of Other brings a Personinto Existence” and simultaneously and symbiotically denies their Knowing of that Existing.   Essentially, I offer a Seeker, the keys to kNowing, and Realizing the Love accumulated from their Lifetime of Experiences.   It’s an honor that I have embraced Sincerely since age 6.

Why i Exist

Why i Exist and What Compels my Contribution to Life

Life is once again “turning the corner” in a cycle of extreme imbalance.   ‘i am’ [my life Pattern is] invoked to Remind US who we really are, to Initiate a Convergence to Feel and Affirm each other in a Shared Physical Reality of Direct Experiences, for the blissful reckoning and peace that follows. As Life intentionally forgets and Diverges, people with a similar Life pattern are initiated to help Rebalance Life on a “macro scale” to realize its goal.   I wish to spark a large scale awakening and I encourage a partnership (of some type) with all of you who hear this and proclaim “Yes!  I get it!   The extremes of contrast and pain are unnecessary.   Let ‘us’ help US realize our goal.” Would you agree that …
  • We are full of unnecessary Anxiety about a future with infinite pathways, OR – we are distracted by our History which is full of misperception and rapidly failing memory
  • We are NOT Present, and unable to enjoy any Shared Experience happening in the NOW, because our Mind is elsewhere (Future or Past)
  • We are rushing to “medicate away” our Pain, which is easily and naturally resolved through a return to Presence – to living in a Shared Reality with others.
  • We are literally Killing each other with our Mental Anguish and Mentally-born Cancer, which now manifests physically within our own Body and across OUR bodies.
  • We all literally desire the same thing:  To live a Life of interesting Realizations against a backdrop of effortless Flowing with Life in a state of total Peace.
  • We have [intentionally] forgotten who we are, our inherent source of divine energy and ability to manifest what WE Truly desire
  • We have [intentionally] forgone our inherent ability to Live and have handed it over to ‘others’ to dictate and govern over US instead, telling us what we can and cannot Think and Do.
  • If we fail to inherently Trust one andother, we can NOT offer voluntary support of one andother.
The virtuous being dives inTO an environment of inherent distrust, Fear and Self-Preservation. Why?!    So that ‘it’ might Know that it Exists.
Does this resonate with you – your Heart, not your Intellect? I am excited to engage and awaken Life each day, because my Life pattern is one that is born into Remembering Life’s design and goal. From my earliest memories at age 6, I saw the beauty in the Play of Life, seeing through all strife and why it was all necessary.   Many of us eventually remember Life’s design and goal.  ALL of us must forget at some point within our lifetime, or we wouldn’t know personally that we exist[ed].   I forgot between age 23 and 36.   Life has been all the more blissful upon a return to Knowing.    
What did i forGet and thankfully reMember?   What is the ultimate “Knowing”? … please read on…
Life's Goal and Design

Life’s Goal & Design

Life begins with a Thought – a desire to exist and Know it – which requires an initial fracture in awareness and a split physical manifestation.  One cannot experience its self without an ‘other’.

Life begins with intentional Separation to spark the Feel of Contrast – of something missing and forgotten.   If this separation is allowed to progress for long cycles, it can become unbalanced Fear, leading to mental anxiety and physical pain.

The inspirational spark for ‘me’ is knowing that there are a lot of people# with the same Life pattern [regardless of how its labeled or referred to], but their energy is often dormant due to artificial Fear and heightened sense of ‘self’.  i am here, honored to affirm them, releasing that innate loving energy.  I have devised profoundly simply and effective ways to enabling and integrating these suppressed leaders,  amidst great strife and seemingly hopeless complexity of the modern reality known as “Corporate Life”.  

Divergence brought US an obsessive-compulsive need to preserve and protect our self, placing us into an artificial fight-or-flight mode of just surviving rather than helping US to thrive.  No Fear can survive during a cycle of Convergence.

[pilotpress_field name=’First Name’] … Please consider my assistance, to help you break free from the rules of the insane, current game in progress, empowering you [through a removal of all Fear] to Lead people lovingly TO the reality you’ve desired the majority of your Life?

Our Era of Convergence (what a wonderful time to exist)

Our Era of Convergence

Fitness Compassion Bodymind TransformationWE are fortunate to live in an era of Convergence [by design].   The prior cycles of Divergence [by design] “got things started” and certainly have sparked enough contrast for us to “exist and Know it”.   WE are now questioning de facto Beliefs which have denied US the wonder of Life.  These beliefs and their control structures, operated lovingly by those with a Divergence pattern, have historically suppressed OUR blissful shared experiences, deferring a peaceful reunion, focusing instead on obedient baseless certainty bent on our division and ongoing distraction, by Life’s design.


How i am Assisting Life

How i am assisting Life in this Rebalancing?

As of December 2018, I’m honored to assist Life in the following ways: 

  • With Individuals, I continue to help them discover ways to easily maximize their Presence in the company of “others”.
    • Fitness Compassion Bodymind TransformationI have holistic health solutions to resolve what I refer to as “Mind over Body Cycle Conflict“.   I am a Corrective Exercise specialist with deep understanding of Human Kinetics – how our body is designed to move and what malformed patterns result from injuries, prevailing posture, including mental anguish.   Resolving Pain, mental and physical, is a key 1st step to reclaiming Presence in Life.   This Brand and business is known as Fitness Compassion.
    • I also assist Leaders to broaden their perspectives about Life, allowing them to SEE [and thus believe] the beautiful Symbiotic Relationship between ALL “Things in Events”.   I’d like to see the dated, disproven theory of Cause-and-Effect diminish and die.   It leads us [mindlessly] to either a Victim status, or a desire to Control and Dominate Life.   This returns each person to a Natural state of Flowing with Life, enabling them to fully support Life and Accept all Life outcomes.  My model can be previewed and discussed by visiting Initiate And Integrate – Model of Remembering, simply referred to as the X Y Modes of inAttention, where X is a narrowed pattern of focus and Y an initiating pattern to broaden attention and awareness of Life’s Symbiotic, singular relative relationship.


  • With Teams, I have solutions to orient each person with their peers and fellow Team members, helping them to “drop their guard” and become truly Vulnerable with each other, which is the basis of forming Trust as a group of people reliant upon one another to achieve a Mission.
    • I have my own “proprietary” approach towards Initiating Leadership, referred to as The Harmony Method.
    • I leverage globally accepted Teaming frameworks such as Scrum, Scaled Scrum (LeSS), Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), and Extreme Programming (XP), to scale the impact of this newfound leadership courage.
    • I was an authorized Partner with Wiley Publishing, delivering their EverythingDiSC Profiling tools and Patrick Lencioni’s Five Behaviors of Effective Teams.  I can still speak to these models thoroughly and help you find a current rep, if interested.
  • With larger organizations of a Team of Teams, I offer support for radically changing the culture of organizations.
    • This begins with establishing highly Inclusive, synchronized ways of Co Defining and Validating Strategies, establishing a Transparent Flow of ALL activity within the org, and establishing a true Leadership Platform by which to Objectively determine if Reality is truly being Shared with both Employees and Customers.
    • Businesses and Causes have both deteriorated in their ability to convey and steer formerly passionate groups of people to Serve Society in the ways intended by their Vision and Mission statements.
    • As a Strategy consultant, as a Leadership development mentor, and as a Lean-Agile Transformation consultant, I am honored to help 1,000s of people across many Sectors and Industries, to reinstate meaning in their organizing Causes.
    • I leverage SAFe, Lean Systems Thinking / Engineering, Design Thinking and Customer Journey Maps, and Kanban throughout, in the delivery of these services.


Follow Simon Sinek and come to understand your own Why, to ensure that How you show up each day, matches the What (the Services and Actions you participate in daily).

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My Book - "The Other Side"

(to be published Summer of 2023)