Author Biography

Listen Instead?

David Harmony age 49 - black and white photo from 2020

My Storyline is full of both hidden ancient wisdom and innocent pure Love, along with  grotesque strife including a 500 year Genocide and literal daily fight to remain in existence.

My ancestors predating European arrival and 1st conflict, lived a blissed out existence, honoring their symbiotic relationship with ALL of Life.  “Our understanding and honoring of Earth must remain, for Life to exist and know a peaceful, blissful existing.”

My goal in my writing is to help the reader revisit and clearly [without judgement and defensiveness] witness the beautiful contrast from their own Storyline crossings with Others.

I am indigenous to North America with both parents tied to the North Western Hemisphere (aka North ‘america’) for 1000s of years. Ours was a balanced, blissed out life within Nature, living freely, in pure awe of the Great Mystery. I wish to share that cyclical, organic, innocent bliss with my reader.

All humans in a state of being, originate from a more Natural Way of living, be that 3 [my Ancestors on Turtle Island] or 80+ generations [30 yrs per generation] ago [Europe was colonized too long ago; 80×30=2,400 yrs]. We could all be labeled “Native” -and actually were at one time in our own homelands- if only we’d try to Remember our Symbiotic Relationship to environment, and as a result, also our inherent relationship with each Other.

I was denied our beautiful, Natural Way of living (thriving, effortlessly). Prior generations were shamed into forgetting and denying their culture. Ethnic genocide and governmental programs assimilated my ancestors into a majority ruling culture labeled as The United [states of America]. Far from it.

Declaring indigenous rights in 1838 resulted in an unpredictable death march for indigenous Peoples, often labeled the “Long Walk”. GGG mother saw the need to escape and a way to hide. My family survived by letting go of all that mattered – Land and Language 1st, then culture by loss of oral history and traditional living.

Stay and physically die or escape and allow tribal identity to die, giving our Spirit a chance to survive. So we hid patiently under a guise of false identity deemed more acceptable during the Western Hemisphere Origin-wars.  My Peoples’ multi generational anger and despair became guilt and sadness. I felt our Peoples’ pain deeply, even though it was never discussed with me, for fear of a “delayed Long Walk”.

My ancestors were sentenced to death for refusing the colonizing campaigns by European settlers, which suggested that cultural assimilation was possible, but Land claims were the goal all along.  Our Peoples “had to be removed (wiped from the earth)”, according to the cancerous mindSET from the East.

If someone entered your house,
began to kill your children, your wife, in pursuit of your homestead,
you’d fight for family with extreme conviction, right?
Does that make you “a savage”!?
Who’s the true savage in such a scenario?

There is a gross, intentionally hidden history that allows us to sleep at night.   Awareness that would be so overwhelming, even Big Pharma couldn’t prescribe a way out of this anxiety-prone, gut-wrenching guilt and shameful history.   So we “plug-in” to TV and Internet to download the latest updates (out of date actually) to continue our daily does of “the blue pill”. 

My People feel deeply for those who took the Land, because they are just “playing IT forward” … they learned painfully well from the Kings of yesteryear, and mindlessly brought the kingdUmB cancer with them.

Isn’t it so bizarre, how [in]Humanity perpetuates our own grotesque suffering unto Others?

The ultimate cancer of manUnkind, is upon all of us now.  The only path to a cure, is Awareness.   Feeling the shame and pain we’ve caused is an overwhelming proposition.   But, without Common Memory, there can be no CommUnity.  We must CommUnicate true history, dump HisStory, heal and go forward, toGetHer 🌎. 🙏🏽⭕️💜

We can’t Label our Way out of this mess we refer to as the United s✜a✜es.

Genocide in the Americas

Between 1492 and 1776, 130 million indigenous Peoples from 700 Nations just in North America, were exterminated, reducing the population from 145 million down to the what HisStory books infers as the Starting population of only 15 million.   Does this feel more acceptable, given there are only 2 million ‘prison enrolled’ today?  How many more like myself are unenrolled (not acknowledged by the US Gov’t) because we refused to line up at the prison gates called reservations?

The grotesque lies are surfacing after 500 years!

United Nations official site
The official declaration and definition

And yet today 2024, a LIVE genocide is playing out Online, and the colonizing empire continues to reinforce permission to Genocide displaced indigenous Peoples!


Never heard any of this before?  Invest 2 hours for a full account of history and the grotesque relationship between the USA’s foundation and expansion, and how this inspired colonization around the world, most notably Hitler and WWII Nazi Germany.
Now ya know!   What are you going to DO with that painful Awareness?

My Loving Offer in spite of the atroCities

Despite this grotesque hidden history, I offer purest Compassion for the colonizers who’ve endured 2,000 years of suffering under the European Monarchies. Hard to imagine the deep pain and anxiety imprint in the DNA of those so intentionally unsettled. Yet their current generations label the Indigenous humble coOperative communities as “savages who need to be Settled”. Interesting CONtradiction?

“Forgive us-apart, for we kNow not, what we do to Others, in the mindless practice of perpetuating suffering upon Other, on the empty promise of ensuring our own meager Survival.”

I was born in the 70s. Since age 5, I leveraged an innate awareness and ability to relieve Life from Anxiety, by discretely and empathetically reminding us-apart of our pain’s origin – an artificial sense of self and Separation.

As of 2021, the World is preparing for major change – a return to a more harmonic way of Existing [and Knowing / appreciating that we do]. Bold and bizarre statements for sure. This is the theme of my book.

My goal in my writing is to help the reader revisit and clearly [without judgement and defensiveness] witness the beautiful contrast from their own Storyline crossings with Others.

The effect will be a similar Letting-Go and return to honoring their true Relationship and resulting Understanding, like I realized while reclaiming my Original Way of living. And to a long-time Initiate, a mind-blowing surprise awaits the reader of something they knew as an innocent child, prior to Life’s attempt to Condition them into forGetting who they really are, by Life’s goal and design. ; )

If curious about my soon to be released book, Connect with me here:

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The Light's Origin

by nvWatoHiyadv | Obizaan | Pattern < ^ v > | keme'wii-zagam