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Indigenous Nation Names honoring Harmony

Mother’s Origin: Algonquin -> Ojibwe / Odawa, Kanienʼkehá:ka (aka Mohawk)

Mother’s Tribal Language: Ojibwe (Anishinaabe wibii’iganan)
Ojibwe syllabics:  ᐱᔀᓐ – ᐊᔹ   ᐅᒋᒡᐗᒃᐋᓐ   ᐅᐱᔀᓐ

English Spelling:  Bizaan-ayaa OjiChaagwin  Obizaan
Phonetic: Bih-zahn Ah-yah   ohjee-Chog-win   Oh-bih-zahn

🙏🏽 ⭕️ My Greeting to you, in Ojibwe:

Welcome to my mother’s 1st Nations homeland for 1,000s of years.
Map of Gichigamiin … “the Great Lakes region”, turned on its side, to depict how Algonquian (Ojibwe particularly) Peoples view this beautiful slice of Heaven AS the Mother 🌎. That and so our names for areas fit, super long conjugations in our Verb-driven language. 😁🙏🏽✊🏽[/caption]
Boozhoo, Aaniin
Is That you [again] 😉?, Hello/Hi

Bizaan-ayaa [Ojichaagwin] ⭕️bizaan, indigoo
I am called [by our Great Mystery, aka Life] :
Peace resting quietly, as the Great Mysterious Energy, within Harmony”

Migizi indoodem
My clan is Eagle 🦅

Odawa Mishigamaa (gaa-ginwaajiwanaang) indoonjibaa 
I am from Ottawa [county] in Michigan (Grand Rapids)


Father’s Origin:  Nde’ Lipan (Apache) -> Numunuu (Comanche)  and the Wyandot/Huron -> Lower Cherokee -> now officially recognized by the United Nations, the Southern Cherokee Nation – Red Fire People (SCN-RFP)

Father’s Tribal Language: Tsalagi (AniYunWiYa, a.k.a. the Cherokee)
Sequoyah Syllabary:  ᏙᎯᏱ   ᎠᎴ  ᏅᏩᏙᎯᏯᏛ

English Spelling: DoHiYi ale-ayv nvWatoHiyadv
Phonetic: doh-he-yee  ah-lay ah-yah  nuh-wah-toe-he-yuh-duh

Meaning in both languages:  “ where Peace rests quietly   [understanding]  The Great Mysterious Energy within [Life’s inherent]   Harmony
[implied, added for clarity]

Harmony’s Role: the Peace Maker (in Mohawk -> returning Tekanawi:ta meaning “two streams [of existing] parallel, kNow flowing back toGetHer 🌎” and  skʌ̃.nːʌ̃.ɾahaːwi  (english: Skén:nen rahá:wi  meaning “he carries Peace”)


You might observe “wait! … the Lower Towns Cherokee [who fought to the end] and the Cherokee ‘proper’ [Federally recognized and marched on ToT to OK reservations] do NOT get along!  Also, the Anishinaabe and the Haudenosaunee didn’t share borders well.

There seems to be rare contrast and conflict in Harmony’s blending ancestral lineage.   Father being Iroquoian as Cherokee splitting from the Haudenosaunee, Mother being of Algonquian tribes AND the Haudenosaunee.

Yes.  Perhaps DoHiYi is intended to bring Peace.