
A Cipher across generations
... received, interpretted, reborn


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As a curious [innocent] child, we wander off from our Village without concern for finding the way back, because we Know there are no borders.  An “ignore-antly wise, self-aware adult” leaves a breadcrumb trail.

David left a trail since age 6.

The following account of David's Major life experiences, is shared to build Transparency and Credibility for the controversial topics he discusses and assists people with.  While some of these Stories may seem highly coincidental or unlikely, he shares them to show the Observations he has made, and their intricate connections over 40+ years (as of 2020).   His hope is to spark your own sensory-based memory to help you draw out some forgotten or denied magical experiences from your own storyline.   He would love to hear about your Experiences.

Life is ONE 'process', one symbiotic on-going, recursive transaction...every Thing in Event is Connected.

David would love to help you Remember the magic of your own storyline.   He's been curious about how all Storylines Diverge and Converge, since he was a young boy. His storyline account will convey That.

The following excerpt from Goodwill Hunting best articulates how David Feels, how he helps people silence their prejudiced intellect, and return to Direct Experiencing and resulting Knowing.  Robin's heart and countering ACTion matches his own approach to supporting Others too caught up in their Concepts about Life, blocking them from seeking and actually Experiencing a Shared Reality.   Let's chat?

David lovingly observes the innate Knowing within this verbal exchange ...

"Loss only occurs when you love some-thing more than you love your self".

Without a split manifestation and obsessing over Other(s), the "concept" of Love is just that, and literally canNOT exist.   There is NO self without Othering.   This is a Life axiom and design paradigm that David helps people remember. We must forGet, to become a self, and lose awareness of our true origin [as The SELF], in order to participate with Other(s) and ideally, experiencing some painful contrast in That Othering, thus experiencing loss at the level of this self, which is the Reminding Cue -the seed planted within every Self, to agitate each self into pondering its origin. Some selves are both fortunate and unfortunate [in the next level of existing] in their divine remembering. Ascending is bliss, but dithering and forgetting to descend again "while this self is alive", is the true definition of dogmatic purgatory. David has been here, and can help you [step back down Life's ladder] if you find your Self here.

"You're it chief!  Your move.   What are YOU [the ultimate SELF] going to do [ACT out] next?"

The ultimate question David has pursued and answered, through Othering ...

"Why is there so little Compassion displayed in Life?"

No, not "empathy" born from a view of Life as necessary and serious-business.   Emptahy is just a tad above actionless sympathy - finding happiness for 'self' through Other's misfortunate.

In David's direct experincING of Life ...

Compassion is the indiscriminate inclusion of ALL Life's Happenings, in the hope of achieving the broadest possible Awareness and Realized Love, for every Thing seemingly residing within Events, withOUT labeling and judging ANY of the outcomes.

Compassionate living admits to Self via Othering, saying that ...

"this i admits that it is inherently limited from directly experiencing ALL of Life's happenings, so this i should joyfully explore as much Life as possible before the view from this slice of Life ceases to exist [and Know]." Judging those Happenings causes hesitation to engage Life with joyous abandon- like we did so easily as children in a time of pre-conditioning Innocence.

By Life's loving design, we all must "dive into" Life, forGetting who we really are [dear S.E.L.F.], enabling us-apart to have a chance of Remembering who started all of this [via That'g].

Pure bliss, is the result of forGetting and ReMembering yOUR way into a Compassionate Existing.

I had COVID 19 version 1 (nasty) for 3 weeks as of the time of recording these videos ... thank you for ignoring the audio distractions and embracing the core messages

I share my [so-called] "personal" life realizations, not to seem special, but to encourage you to revisit your past experiences, to Connect with the
Magic you may have missed or denied your Self [and Others].

I Retained full Awareness of my life Pattern, reclaimed my ARC, and continued my path at age 5.

Pardon my brief Rant: Christianity's impact on my Peoples

We as Turtle Island Originals (natural, real-Peoples honoring their youngest specie position in the cycles of life) follow creatION and the directly observable Happenings of ALL our Relatives (true Relativity, in the kNowing).

We do NOT buy-into abstractions of a future promise of a “do-over and pain-free bliss through admission of sin and [insincere] repentance“, in another dimension labeledHeaven’.

The inherent authority granted to each incarnation on Earth as a ‘haven‘, was intentionally distorted into incarceration, where the Warden is a Person-i-fied god, “in the image of MANunkind, a Male who Dominates all lower species [as so Judged]“.   This level of ignorant hubris from the Roman Church, disgusts us!

The missionaries added “OR” to our natural AWE of creation, giving us their perverted version of their god and labeled Him creatOR.   They made a single entity (personified as Him) the Judge and Jury over all of creation.   Unfortunately, we [had to] embraced this utterance through absolutely brutal tactics [Extermination & then Assimilation ex. boarding schools].

But deep within, we still remember our original Way.   We reject those imposed, abstract, judgeMental Laws, in favor of innocent AWE for the collectively all powerful, everywhere rePresenting, all kNowing [aware] and thus all LOVING … creatION.   

EveryThing you witness directly, carries source-creatING energy and IS what you ‘label’ as the creatOR.   But when we as originals utter the word creatOR, we mean literally every Entity [person, plant, rock, earthly minerals, water, animals, stars, etc] in this relative-IT-y is The Creator … the loving CO-creatING energy.   

What label you use matters, primarily to help you remember that All is One in a loving shared reality of NON judgment.

Quite different from how the missionaries repurposed this word’s meaning and made us say it in the context of justifying their brutality to us [during their ConQuest of our homelands], on behalf of their version of an unloving, dominating, absolutely brutal creatOR which demands that you Love and obey Him.

Sorry, but that’s obviously flawed logic, for people so clearly obsessed with rational thinking and analysis of Life’s “mechanical, non-feeling processes”.   You cannot love and respect any aspect of life which you fear, especially one that promises you eternal suffering and agony.

The grotesque level of hubris from missionaries has stripped the innocence and humility required to observe what IS happening in shared reality, and thus the ResponseAbility to willingly adapt out of most sincere Love for existing and knowing, with & through all our Relatives.    Gidinawendimin ᑭᑎᓇᐌᓐᑎᒥᓐ 🙏🏽❤️⨁⭕️🔥 (all is ⭕️ne relation)

What missionaries did to our Peoples, by distortion of our beautiful languages and unifying culture, was incredibly disgusting!

i adapted to the name and gestures of my euro-christian dominators, i spoke their language(s) but never embraced their ConCepts, i held on to my Original Understanding, my ancient energy pattern and “being”, and in this peaceful waiting-state rests my resistance and overcoming, a long outWaiting [⭕️ut-living] of those who’d rather i beLIEve and never kNow.” ― nvWa✚oHiyadv  |  💫bizaan-ayaa (from the Land of Dawn, keeper of a painful secret – Keme’wiizagam) …
using an adapted quote from N. Scott Momaday, House Made of Dawn

end of commentary 😠😤 …

Harmony's purpose for incarnation ,
is to rebalance the energies
labeled Feminine or Masculine,
to reduce the manifesting extremes of Suffering
- the feeling of Fear and lonely incarceration
in a world we didn't "make".

He will attempt to return Humans Being
to a state of Natural (unWounded) eXpression
of both energies available and residing within every Being,

These polar energies are usually far more well balanced
within the More Than human being,
because these Relatives follow and honor
the Natural Way of existing
without obsessing over "self" and the importance of
Individual Thought and Perspective versus 💫ther's view within Life


The current macro theme of Life seems to be
Masculine Wounded energy dominating over
Feminine Healthy eXpression, which would 💫ther-wise  offer
Nurturing Love and Compassion for all That Existing.

(represented well by this Artist’s song and video)

Lyrics reInterpreted

Men of stone [beat down by Monarchs the last 3k+ years]
Men of stone [vibrating too fast to see the suffering you perpetuate]
Oh, no no no [kNow and slow down, witness the pain, and STOP playing it forward]

Well I [fully aware of One energy source] feel
Deep in your [unkind, Conditioned and dominated] heart there are wounds time can't heal

And i [an ordinary, natural, human beING, begin to] feel
SomeBODY [recursive layers of existing & kNowing], somewhere [nowHere] is trying to breathe [existing into kNowing gratitude & grace]

Well you know what I [creatION] mean [why any of This or That exists]

It's a world gone crazy [earth below a Him/manUnkind above, without spiritual reMembering]
Keeps womEn in chains [blamed for all Sin, shame, frozen inAction, powerless abdication]

It's under MY skin
[solution IS co-creation, each Cell withIN, understanding origin of false-wounded impressions and healing/dealing with those ... existing ReACTive state and reclaiming Presence and Response-Ability]

but it's [intentionally forGotten] out of my [co-creatING] hands

I'll tear 'it' [relative-ITy] apart ... but [be-cause] I won't [want to] understand
I will not accept the greatness of manKIND. [by honoring of Feminine energy as co-CreatION of all Life]

It's a world gone crazy [too far gone in the eXtremes of Con-trast and false-sense of Separation]
Keeps womEn in chains [healthy energies suppressed, playing forward unnecessary suffering]

So free her [women]
So free her [balanced, unWounded, feminine energy]
So free her !!!  [Mother Earth]