ᏅᏩᏙᎯᏯᏛ –  ᐅᐱᔀᓐ

(aka  David Harmony)

Reminding us-apart,
of our Relationship to all

‘i’ Exist & Know i do,
by helping people Remember
and naturally honor
their inherent Relationship in Life.

By helping people to directly experience
shared action that fully supports
their “village”
– their physical, local Reality
– WE offer Compassion
without concern of Reciprocity.

This is yOUR basis of inspiring realizations
– the ultimate “Play it Forward” endeavor
to heal society of its fear-born cancer.

our return to balanced Energy

by John Trudell | See The Woman

  Harmony's mission is to help people
broaden their Attention to regain full Awareness,
witness their [artificial dis] Connection within Life's
inherently Symbiotic Relationship,
and naturally adapt in the Compassionate Way.

reBalancing the energy of Life,
reducing the XY Mode of limitless
expansion and domination.  
Duyugtvi (in his language) : AiKiDo or Midewiwin as demonstrated understanding

Learn More

My Greetings to You

What i Value & Life has Affirmed

A Pathway to Understanding Life …

not displayed (closed by default trick)

Attention broadening Awareness

We must forget our origin to become a Self.   Remembering is the key to bliss.   The cell door of our “identity prison” was always open, yet we anchor self to the bed.  Observing Life’s activity, without obsessing over self preservation, reveals Life’s intricate Connection.   Attention on ‘other’, without self-serving Intention, reveals Life’s design.   All is one Symbiotic Relationship.

XY Attention Model


Symbiotic Relationship ... One Connection within / between all

Witnessing directly, in physically perceived & shared space, shows us-apart that ALL is truly 1.  An awe-inspiring surprise awaits you.  As we drop the dated theory of Cause & Effect, together we realize that all “Things in Events” are really 1 symbiotic process as a “Happening – a Realization of ExistING” … and That’s You!  ; )

The Mission

Compassion without hesitation

The indiscriminate inclusion of ALL of Life’s Happenings, welcoming That to live through you, defining you, judging you, realizing you.   Giving is clearly Receiving.   Reciprocity is just a concept which blocks realizing Love’s origin, by Life’s design.   Life’s goal of Existing and Knowing, through Affirming and Denying ‘other’, must be directly experienced by living through ‘other’.

David’s Favorite Reminding offered in his Video Poem – with Transcription

That's You!

A mind-blowing surprise awaits you, patiently.  Prolonged denial of something you knew in childhood innocence, makes Remembering even sweeter.  Once you sense it again, your “adult” life relaxes into to the peace you knew in a time of innocence.  David was fortunate to kNow, since age 6, reminding Life “That theIr is no problem to solve”.

The Good News!

David’s Book

here’s a song that rePresents well, David’s life pattern and mission … to reBalance humanity in a return to our Innocent Origin, so that we might kNow we exist, experiencing less eXtremes of Suffering contrast, Flowing in the Middle of life’s prevailing, localized Current.  this-instance of you, was Innocent at birth, kNowing perfectly well, who you really are and Why you choose to forGet That over and over.   The “End of Days” of Judgment into false Separation, are noWhere (within us-aPartOf) and NowHere (physically uniting us-apart)

My Lifetime Assist  – Offering Humanity the shortcut…

(in a return to our Innocent Origin)

There are TWO pathways to Existing & eventually Knowing That we do/did.


1) Proving over several generations of forGetting and Contrast-Creating, just how selfish, dominating, prejudiced the HumanUnkind vantage point must ‘be’, & the painful effects That has, as part of eventually Remembering & Returning to the blissful origin of The Great Mystery

… OR


2) Remembering our inherent Connection through uniting Sense of Touch, yielding the Ability to Sense & Respond through Adaptation, quickly & with far less suffering (the shortcut). 道士

How MUCH contrast is truly needed, to spark a Blissful Realization of our Existing and Knowing?

Proving or Remembering

by David Harmony | Audio excerpt from his book: The Other Side

a Golden Reminding

a “Just Cause” – Learn, Join?

David’s Lifetime Impact
1971 – 2020





People Directly Affected

People Indirectly AffecteD

yOur Relationship
to All

Introducing the model:  Modes of Awareness

Understanding yOur inAttention Modes

Next webinar in 2023

How i-am Assisting Life

I help people find ways to EASILY focus their Attention and Connection in Life, to realize a Compassionate, Shared Existence that feels as great at Life's END as it did during childhood innocence.

'i am' invoked to remind US who we really are; to initiate a Convergence to Feel & Affirm each 'other' in a shared physical reality of direct experiencing, for the blissful reckoning and peace that follows.

Organization culture & Team Dynamics

We bring who we [think we] are and how we're feeling, from "Home" to "Work" and back home each day.   Peace and Happiness begins with Knowing you are 'at home' in the world, as it is Right Now.

Leadership mentoring

We create our capacity for inspiring others to follow, in every observed moment in which we follow an-other.

Realizing you are safe in Life, you act without concern for self, freeing others to share reality in support of society, without concern for their own safety.

anxiety & depression relief

Anxious about how to Play along with the current rules of the game?   Have you given up on the game, and Other worries about 'your health' because you won't Play?  You are so close to a blissful Remembering and the freedom to Play to your Heart's sincere desire.

Relationships coaching

It's incredibly easy to Flow with 'other' when you witness your innate connection to them and your healthy dependency on their action with you.   Only judgement blocks yOUR Flow.

Physical Pain relief

Honor your body - in Connects you in Life's realization of Love.

Our mind is too often distracted by the Past or the Future, causing neglect for the body.

A Body in pain distracts the Mind, again and again.   There is a simple way to break the cycle of Pain.

the Mission

Reducing Conjecture-born Fear, which manifests ALL Physical Suffering

This life-time’s Goal

Removing the Dis-Ease in Society, one Person and one Group at a time. Physical Disease, begins with Mental Dis-ease.


Get Involved

As a curious (innocent) child, we wander off from our Village without concern for finding the way back, because we Know there are no borders.
An “ignore-antly wise self-aware adult” leaves a breadcrumb trail.   Harmony
 left a trail since age 6.

“the pathway (into and out of any Storyline) ends and begins among the Parsley”

remember in yOUR space of innocence?