Harmony’s Book Launch

See your storyline Playing out through the Crossroads with Other

David Harmony is launching a book, likely in summer of 2024.

He has a cool Storyline full of keen observations about Life’s Design and Goal.   He has BOLD suggestions for “what might be going on here [on this thing many [but not my Peoples] call Earth]”.

This book will cover:

  • The origin, perspectives and layers of Existing.  The supposed layers of self (lower vs “higher”), and the current macro theme of human ‘versus’ more-than-human.
  • How do Things-in-Events actually Initiate?
  • Modes of [non] Awareness and why that’s crucial to Life’s design.
  • The importance of Others.   How they help us know we ever existed.
  • Why we must forGet our Origin and the absolute Authority, Freedom, and ResponseAbility (responsibility) which comes from THAT.
  • Why does the current “theme” involve so much Suffering?   Do we need it at all?
  • The Storylines and Character Arcs will leave you both speechless & without excuses, for why you and WE, are the Way ‘that we are’.
  • Key Outcome:   You will embrace the purest Compassion, for ALL of Life.

Sign up to be notified as he approaches his official publishing date.   He’d love to share this mind-blowing book with people most interested.

There’s a discount involved.   You will receive this via the email you provide, as the Publishing date approaches.

To learn more about David, review his Author Bio here.

Listen to the Introduction (ch 1-7)

51 minutes

Available until the book enters its Publishing stage (so enjoy while available)

View on YouTube to turn Captions ON

Harmony’s core message:
Attention & Awareness

28 minutes

Harmony’s Video Poem of
Essential Reminding

7 minutes

An artist comes close to fully Remembering our forGetting

Please turn on Closed Captions (cc button in YouTube bottom pane) to better understand the deeper meaning interpreted from the lyrics.   Video created by David Harmony.   Song sung by Josh Groben.