Listen to it instead

Elementary becoming Secondary,
schooled out of witnessing,
those BS-degreed now “mastering” a PhD-ing,
certifiable-us graduating …
Perpetually into an artificial future
Never arriving,
Socially conditioned to covet
Hypnosis, And love ‘it’

Self-denying Presence,
unable to Share the gifting Present
DOA amidst all That-planning,
anxiety born from out vs in-ability

… and    01001001 00100000 01000001 01001101 (translate)

Focused myopically on ‘serious’ knowHow
Instead of sincerity in kNow
Disconnected by Commanding, demanding from afar,
And hear“we are!”,
born from ReMembering
Yet again… wow!

Seriously involved, devolving
Sincerely evolving Play?

‘who’ audits the governing authority
Projecting yOUR behavior,
Eventually divesting from Other-arresting?
Let it a-lone, BE

Gracefully Remembering what was once forgotten…
And kNow, plain as light-day
ONEce more … more!

what a wonder-full, HideAndSeek.LifeRead further to Remember something we intentionally forgot