This article is important, especially to colonized men who are seeking a return to balance and to better Understand / appreciate the Feminine energy, and the women who naturally embrace it in an unwounded [by] MANner.

Life by design, [seemingly] divides the species and the genders, sparking an absence of Love, creating immense sadness and aggravated suffering.

I offer this article to help us explore a more novel, balanced way of co existing as a life pattern that does NOT try to dominate [false, artificial leadership] nor to mindlessly conform, to follow [be dominated].

Just a few instances of humans “being”, can spark an intense desire to seek the origin of personal and collective sadness, to figure out what’s missing.

The origin of suffering is imbalance of Life energies and patterns (styles / tendencies of storylines).   Please review my take on those energies and how they Naturally play off each other on a continuum of expression.

The key thing to note is that multi-generational trauma blocks, distorts, substitutes and exaggerates these energies. 

A girl may unconsciously take on masculine energies, and those may be predominately expressed under wounded traits and scenarios.   

Likewise, a boy may take on wounded feminine energies, suppressing healthy masculine energy.


For example, a girl raised with a father of wounded energy – from prior generational experiences, values passed along as beLIEfs, biases and prejudice.  Further compounding “confusion” for the girl who might otherwise grow up to embrace her natural feminine energies, if her mother also expresses dominant Masculine energy and/or wounded feminine energy, the girl will lack healthy reference for the Respect and Benefits of healthy feminine and masculine energies.   She will downplay feminine energy and potentially avoid it completely.

You can imagine MANY combinations of scenarios for both girls and boys raised in eras and areas under great social, political, and physical (war, relocation, famine, etc) strife.

I offer this article to help us explore a more novel, balanced way of co existing as a life pattern that does NOT try to dominate [false leadership] nor try to follow [be dominated].

A “healthy” life pattern is one that is independent and confident in eXpressing both energies in a BALANCED manner.

These are the people who might restore humanity and reduce the unnecessary suffering introduced since 3000 B.C. under the wounded masculine energy labeled as The Patriarchy.


Anytime you read the word “man” in the original article below, please substitute it with the words “masculine energy”.

Review my related article(s) and infographic (see above) that clarifies Masculine and Feminine energies.

Let’s stop presuming that “to just be a real man” implies suppressing the inherent ability to feel compassion for, and to nurture Life … aka Feminine energy.

I will say it clearly:

* an Alpha male is a wounded masculine energy conditioned by a wounded masculine father energy and a completely dominated (or absent) wounded feminine mother energy.

* a Beta male is likely the inverse – a confusing, dominating masculine energy demonstrated by a mother with suppressed feminine energy and an absence of healthy masculine energy expressed by a father.


The world has gone vastly astray, bringing immense contrast, just to exist and know, that we are/were ever here.   

The imbalance brings delayed realization (remembering really) of yOUR origin, which is labeled as “suffering”.  How much suffering is truly needed, to Exist and Know [that you/we, are/were ever here]?


Are you a Sigma life energy/pattern, whether man or woman?

How can you help to empower (heal) the Beta life patterns and to humble / supplant the Alpha life patterns?

Please review my XYmodes of Attention and life interACTion model, for suggestions that will rebalance Life to a more relaxed flow and possibly blissful era like those predating the Patriarchy (a balanced, shared Support by leaders eXpressing both healthy energies).




You may have heard of the term Sigma male but wonder about its meaning. When psychological archetypes are discussed, they are usually termed in a binary way, for instance, as Type “A” or “B” or as people of “extrovert” or “introvert” nature.

However, men are often categorized into Alpha (known to be dominant) or Beta (mostly of submissive nature) males when speaking about male psychology. In recent times, a revelation is steadily coming into light that some males could fall in the middle of these two classifications (Alpha and Beta) and are supposedly called Sigma males.

This post brings you all you might want to know about the characteristics of a Sigma male.

What Is A Sigma [life Pattern] aka Masculine energy?

In simple terms, men who fall under the category of “Sigma” exist outside the Alpha and Beta binary classification. They’re characterized as being highly independent and original with little or no regard to societal perceptions.

To this effect, they will often break stereotypes, not conform to expectations, and generally pave a path for themselves that exists outside of what society expects of men. While Sigma men were thought of as exception or rare compared to Alpha and Beta men, there has been an increase in Sigma male mentality in recent years. It likely has to do with the social media trend as it opens ways of expression on the internet.

Characteristics Of A Sigma Male

Here are some characteristics of a person who falls into the category of Sigma. 

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1. They tend to be loners

It should not be confused with Sigma males disliking social company. Instead, it means they do not often need people to have a good time. On the flip side, they can also be pleasant and friendly with the people they like.

2. They are flexible

While Alpha or Beta males are more rigid when it comes to the personalities and environments they prefer to be in, Sigma males can adapt to most circumstances. They can perform well under different social situations, team compositions, and even outside the comfort zones.

3. They are themselves – regardless of who is watching

While others may tend to be around other people or show a particular face to society, Sigma males tend to be themselves regardless of who is around. They will be more or less the same person when alone as they are around other people, making it a remarkable attribute.

4. They can lead without exerting authority

When we think of leaders, we tend to think of Alpha men. Sigma males also make for excellent leaders, albeit with a different leadership style. They prefer to lead by example or mutual communication rather than establishing their dominance or authority. Sigmas will get what needs to be accomplished with a balanced approach to leadership.

5. They are good listeners

Sigma males tend to be good listeners as they understand the value of silence and respect when others speak as a matter of mutual courtesy. They give importance to content rather than the volume and thus listen well and speak when required.

6. They are self-aware

While this can be true about Beta males, it often manifests due to insecurity. When we say Sigma males are self-aware, it works both ways— they know their good qualities and also their flaws. Self-awareness helps them self-correct when they go wrong, and they do not repeat mistakes.

7. They have an ambiguous morality

Sigma males tend to see right and wrong in complex scenarios. In this regard, they may harbor a sympathetic attitude towards certain people other than judging them outright. It also makes them critical thinkers who analyze all aspects of the issue before passing judgment on it.

8. They have rusty social skills

Sigma males can come off as a little abrasive or uninterested since they rarely have emotional reactions and are direct while communicating. While some may see this as rude, it’s a consequence of them being good listeners. They do not disguise their intent with flowery language or flattery.

9. They can fit into friend groups but do not rely on them

Sigma males are flexible, making it easy for them to fit into different social groups and get along with people. However, it does not mean they are dependent on social groups or friends. They are content and happy on their own and stay the same, irrespective of their social circle.

10. They decide their future

While Alphas thrive in a high-functioning environment and Betas do well in a passive, low-stress environment, Sigma males succeed or fail on their terms. They know they are responsible for their fates and aren’t as bound by their society or environment. They hold themselves accountable for their actions and consequences.

11. They tend to have small but close social circles

Sigma males don’t feel the need to have big friend circles or impress crowds of people. Instead, they prefer to have a closer circle of friends they can trust and share the same wavelength. It may come off as anti-social but are not.

12. They are self-sufficient

Sigma males value independence more than anything and will do their best to be completely self-sufficient in all aspects of life. They do not want to rely on anyone for the basics in life and build their competencies to lead an independent existence.

13. They aren’t afraid to take risks

Sigmas rarely take the beaten path and do not deviate from established career and life paths. They dislike social structures and cages and like to break out and do their own thing. Also, they accept the risks associated with such a decision.

14. They aren’t attention-seekers

Sigma males don’t seek attention or validation from others. When they do get it, they don’t live for it or thrive on it. They tend to gel into the background and listen and observe rather than be the center of attention.

15. They have the potential to be an Alpha

With their social adaptability and flexibility, a Sigma man can also be an Alpha male. Sigma males’ leadership skills and independence play to their strengths and comfort zones.

Sigma Male vs Alpha Male 

Ever since the archetype of Sigma males started to gain popularity, people want to know ‘What makes a sigma male so different from an alpha male?’ We’ll try to dive into some of the main differences here.

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1. The value of silence

Alpha males need a specific environment to function. They like to speak and want to be heard. They are active for the audience and are at their best when people are watching. In short, they are “loud” personalities and wish to remain the same.

Sigma males are the opposite in every way. They respect silence and appreciate a quiet environment. They can perform better without an audience and rarely do things for public acknowledgment.

2. Flexibility and dominance

Alpha males have a compulsive need to compete and dominate their current environment. So, in a workplace, they tend to be competitive and ambitious. They do not perform well in groups where they are not the leader or center of attention.

Sigma males don’t care about dominance or hierarchy. They would operate outside known structures and hierarchy to get the best possible results. Their outlook towards people is based more on their value set, and they do not see others as competition or threats. They are also more flexible and do not mind working as a team or in a subordinate position as long as they like the job.

3. Social validation

Alphas are often seen as dominant and leaders but in their established social hierarchy. They have to see what the game is, play it, and win it to become “Alphas.” These men derive their entire sense of self-worth and respect from their position of dominance over others.

Sigma males differ as social validation and hierarchy mean little or nothing to them. They do not want to be part of any social games or power plays. They are also least concerned with how others view them and instead derive their self-worth and respect from their values.

4. Need to belong

An Alpha is only an Alpha if he is at the head of the pack. Thus, they need a social construct that they can lead or dominate to define themselves. It constrains them to specific behavioral patterns and social circles.

A Sigma male doesn’t require any of this to be himself and is fine in a social hierarchy where he isn’t ranked high. Indeed, he can even function as a loner, not relying on anyone at all. It allows such men greater social freedom.

5. Humility

Since an Alpha male’s self-worth is closely tied to society’s perception, they have an innate need to showcase their personality and achievements. They talk or brag about themselves and reinforce to the rest of the “pack” that they are the Alpha males.

Sigma males differ in this regard as well. Their focus lies more on the job itself than the societal standards. They will do the job to the best of their ability and not care for praise or public opinion. Their need for appreciation ends at them being seen as people who can do a good job.

6. Perception

Alpha men are characterized as aggressive, opinionated, competitive, and constantly active. People usually see an Alpha as someone who craves attention and lives for social validation.

Sigma males are harder to read for most people. Indeed, most people might not even know what the term even means since mainstream psychology has bracketed men into Alpha vs Beta for so long. Once people know someone with Sigma characteristics, they are seen as independent thinkers, lone wolves (as opposed to being in an Alpha’s “pack”), disassociated from a lot of social conventions, and good listeners.

A Sigma male is a strong yet distinctive personality type that has traits of both “Alpha” and “Beta” male. He is fiercely independent and has innate leadership skills, which make him lead by example and not by dominance. Being self-aware and self-sufficient, he doesn’t hide away from speaking his mind and also taking risks. He is a patient listener who talks directly and tends to have a really close social circle. These are some unique characteristics of a Sigma male that make him stand out from the crowd.

Key Pointers

  • Sigma males prefer to be independent and follow their rules without giving in to societal norms.
  • They are mindful of other people and blend in easily but open up to only a few.
  • They regulate their emotions well and do not force their authority upon others.


Rohan Sinha

Rohan was an HR analyst before transitioning into a freelance writer/ editor. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resources and previously worked as an analyst in Goldman Sachs. Having also worked in a media and post-production firm, he has special interest in films. Rohan is an avid reader with a passion for defense,… more
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