During a home Bible class, innocent David asked a 2 part question, but was interrupted.
Nudging at the class leader Mr. Miller’s sleeve, David asked … “are you God?”.
Ken had a commanding presence, thick silvery hair, and always claimed the biggest orange leather chair in the center of our downstairs family room.
20 people in the room giggle with nervous, unsettling sounds.
Ken replies, “oh, nooo David! I’m not God. He is apart from us. We wish to be like Him and with Him, someday.”
David is feeling frustrated and looking agitated, nudging Mr. Miller’s sleeve again…
As Dad hushes David from across the room, Grandpa Blas smiling with rare gleam.
David interrupts: “Well, i AM, and so are you, and you, and you” pointing around the room, but abruptly interrupted by Dad swooping David up in one arm to escort him out of the room.
David would soon hear from Grandpa, why he atypically smiled in that setting.
The very next Bible class, David interrupted again, and would do so on this particular verse for years…
Ken: “God is all Powerful, everywhere Present, and thus all Knowing and all Loving.”
David: “yes … That’s You … and You … and You”. And yet again, hushed or removed from the room.
How dare you David, to blaspheme like that! LOL
Apparently the ancient, Naturally living and knowing “Native American” was just boiling over, due to the hypocrisy of manUnkind making seeking-man feel unworthy, separate, and afraid. After all, it’s so easy to naturally Love some-one who commands it through the promise of horrifying fear and pain?! The Bible as interpreted 1st hand by adult-David (beginning in his late 30s) made perfect sense. The interpreters … all of them a-like, disliking some out-group in order for their own group to “be right and saved”, while the heathens suffer in Hell. Quite the opposite really. “The Heathens” realized a utopian “heaven AS Earth” and had to be convinced they no longer deserved it, descending into Conceptualized Hell with the settlers.
How odd, David thought, as he “grew up amongst this insane Adult Reality”. How PISSED he was, until he remembered better, that his Tsalagi heritage was “deemed part of the heathens”.
He would NOT be silenced! ; D
2020 and beyond will NOT forGet David.
David’s dad John would continue to replay this bible class utterance over David’s entire lifetime. “God is all Powerful, everywhere Present, and thus all Knowing and all Loving.”
John tended to utter it, to appease David’s mind, or the mind of others, during life’s familiar painful moments.
However, David was amazed that while a person can possess the wisdom nestled within words, we still cannot fathom and FEEL their true meaning.
David pressed John for years, trying to help him Know what his Dad was really “uttering”. But without direct experience, the words we utter are merely mantras to “appease a Mindbody indirect experience of personalized suffering”. Bodymind is The Pathway towards feeling, experiencing directly through Othering, and thus realizing a Shared Knowing in physical reunion with all of Life … what those words were Pointing the reader’s Attention towards. : D. That’s [all] You … getting lost! Go with it!
“God is all Powerful, everywhere Present, and thus all Knowing and all Loving.” … and HE / SHE / IT / THEY / THEM / ALL THAT is part OF and literally, THE creator.
I knew at a very young age, who I AM, and my reason for returning. Since age 7 i understood to and fully resisted the cross, the black book (its heart-robbing distortions, meant to control manUnkind to self), and “fire water” (baptism – admission into the delusion).
The Roman church made Jesus irrelevant year 1 A.D. by distorting “the good news”, that all is ONE relation and there is nothing to fear. The anti-christ showed itself, immediately after His death. We must remember, that Christ is a depiction (a recurring Pattern) of pure love impulse … not a Title nor a “last name”, not a one-time occurrence that reinforces false hierarchy. Jesus’ “good news” was that the Hierarchy is illusion, something the Church would NEVER allow out publicly. God-Fearing [delusional] Christians await the arrival of the Anti-Christ, when really, it’s just a 2,000 year reveal of IT already being here.
He didn’t die FOR [to magically relieve you of] your sins, as the Church would have you beLIEve … that you are inherently, from birth, no damn good! … he died willingly, because you rejected a full remembering of who/we really are, which is the ONLY true sin, and that’s ok, because by Life’s design, we must all forGet for some period of time. It was an attempt to WAKE you through grieving realizations of what you had done (yr 1 or yr 2022).
David would much later (age 48) receive the ultimate affirmation of his Native origin, the cipher imparted upon him, and his role in the healing and reunion of Life. Brother Wanbli Ohitika would offer that affirmation, by Reminding interviewers in his own way, That indigenous people KNEW everything was connected, AS THE creator, and embraced, nurtured, and appreciated all they received from the Earth.
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