David, pattern < ^ v >, ‘grew out from’ a loving home. He chose his start well – his point of return. He knew at birth, and held onto over his lifetime, the same far east Taoist knowing of Life’s design, which his own Peoples (unique to the Western Hemisphere) understood as Gidinawendimin ᑭᑎᓇᐌᓐᑎᒥᓐ 🙏🏽❤️⨁⭕️🔥 (all is ⭕️ne relation).
Life is symbiotic, recursive, recurring Patterns of existing & knowing, within a non-hierarchical Organism, Playing through Imagining its SELF to be “at risk” due to Life-killing Technology and dominating Patriarchal tyranny, as of year 2020.
Audio PlayerDavid was severely ill from age 1 to 4. Many health issues. Very high temps for weeks at a time. Inability to sleep and keep food down – he still remembers his personal pink-puke-pail. Comfortably numb, as the Pink Floyd song goes.
He had amazing visions, atypically carried over and physically Imprinted into his physical Body-memory. David ‘broke through’ to total Awareness of Life’s Design and Goal – why we initiate into diverging suffering, and how we converge to experience purest Love.
Whereas, most children begin an immediate forGetting, through Theta downloads (age 1-7) from misinformed, highly Conditioned (lost) Guardians, little David seemingly built a physical wall in his chemistry, to reduce and avoid much of Life’s attempts to condition him. Why? Evolutionary mistake? Imagined and untrue? Review the rest of his storyline for explanation and proof.
Audio Player
Most people of western culture are taught to beLIEve that they are a Soul deposited into a body, dropped IN to this unshared reality, to exist only once. The fight for a meager survival begins day one, under the dogma of [intentional] confusion from the Roman Church. David knew otherwise. And so did YOU. He shocked conditioned adults at age 5 as he began challenging this Bible Study dogma.
Audio PlayerDavid never forGot. He grew OUT FROM the earth’s present condition, much like a plant. But, he brought with him, the Original, Natural [innocent] Way of living, predating all historical strife. The Patriarch trampling the Matriarchal balance back to 1491 in North America and ~3000 BC elsewhere. He grew into the Present scenario, fully adapted and capable to survive it without effort, and perhaps, to change the macro environment, in a return to the Utopia that once was.
Unlike the colonizing forces of commercial ConScience and Capitalistic “growth just for the sake of growth” collective mindset, which would surround all of Western ‘natural’ Life from 1492 to 2020, David had a deep genetic memory of what once-was, as well as a Way to return the memory and inherent desire of Life to an energetic balance that once thrived through Natural adaptation.
David ‘grew out from’ a loving home, fully enabled to help Life rebalance … to heal its SELF.
Mother of 1/2 Iroquois (Mohawk) & Anishinaabe (Ojibwa, Algonquin), 1/4 Canadian French & 1/4 Colonial Scot-Irish heritage. Her storyline was a true blending of Hudson Bay activity including the French-Indian war.
Father of Tsalagi (Cherokee / Wyandot) and Comanche heritage, denied this knowing, in hiding by a Spanish family in what would become Texas. It was incredibly dangerous to acknowledge any Native heritage during the 75 years of ruthless Colonial expansion and waring on Native Peoples.
David chose his start well. The continental-collision that lead to his Matrilineal hiding, deeply clarified the selfishness and greed that he’d later come to heal and reunite, while reclaiming the proud family Identity.
Back once more. While the “horse and ride” would prove quite different this time around, the suffering and solution would be quite similar. To help Life restore energy balance between Masculine (expanding, dominating, destroying) forces and Feminine (Creating, Nurturing, Maintaining) forces.
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