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The Feminine Heart returns … free as the wolf which was never caged, tamed, born into accepting it’s false imprisonment and self-imposed restrictions.


While the following account is of David’s “personal family lineage” and offered in-part, as a basis for appreciating all he lovingly suggests for Realizing a wonderful lifetime existence, he is really suggesting that every person has a similar origin connected directly to a deep Knowing of Life’s design and goal.   His transparent sharing of his own realizations and affirmations (by Other, by SELF) is intended to Remind you of your own Connection and resulting creative-power in Life.   But, you may have been denied the “Great Mystery” over your own lifetime by highly Conditioned Guardians who ‘took artificially serious’ responsibility OVER you, robbing you of your own Knowing and resulting Virtue [by Life’s design].

Across 5 generations a ciphered message was hidden but never lost, passed from one deathbed to another, 3 times total, unto david, ᐊᐃᐁᐅ  ᐸᐱᐯᐳ in 1976.  It would both affirm and haunt David, until in one moment, all was clear once again.   Soon after reading “the old boy’s Koan” and witnessing the Stand he took during a typical, misinformed Bible class, David’s Grandfather Blas initiated a private discussion on the back porch with David…


Grand father: “David [age 5], listen carefully son.
My wife [died 1965] was told by her grand mother,
to pass on an important message in her Native tongue.
David, that message was … nvWatoHiyadv“.
He pronounced clearly, 1st just as his Grand mother told him to say it in the Native tone,
than slowly and phonetically, to ensure David would never forget…
” [nuh-wah-toh-hee-yah-duh] “

David:  after reflective silence, David apparently told grandpa
wado … ale ayv.   meaning
“thank you, and i [know I] am … [where Peace resides, waiting to come forth]

David asked him to replay this exchange only once, around age 14 as Grandpa was preparing to die in August of 1986.  He confirmed David’s original response, but didn’t know what any of the words meant.   He was adopted and raised by a Spanish family and outright denied his Indigenous heritage (Mother: Comanche & his Wife: Cherokee, Apache / Comanche, Wyandot).  Likewise, on David’s mother’s side, all were “taken in” by European culture and traditions, denied their own Indigenous languages and culture (Algonquin, Mohawk, Ojibwa / Odawa).

Our honorable Matriarch’s (nvWatoHiyadv, Harmony) Tsalagi language and culture was hidden via Ciphered message passing.


Grand father:
“your dear Grand Mother [my wife]
who you unfortunately never met,
was told by her Mother via her Grand mother
that her bloodline would have a grand child,
which would exhibit profound wisdom
and peaceful existing at a very young age”.

ggg Mother’s message (~1860) via gg Mother’s deathbed (~1951) to g Mother (Blas’ wife)
“That grand child
must hear this message.
If they are ‘the one’, they will seek, need and know
what the message means someday.”

The message was just one word for David … one Reminding Affirmation*.

nvWaoHiyadv   … “purest awe / gratitude, flowing in Balance (aka Serenity) with That existing

GGG mother made sure to pass along the “t” spelling [error pronunciation] in wato, to ensure the cipher was translated properly!

GGG mother’s escape from a prison encampment (story excerpt here) on the  Cherokee Trail of Tears (full AmazonPrime movie: 15min 51 sec) was the final part of David’s affirmation.

Grand father recalled during this replay conversation, that his departed wife’s mother also said of the grandson,

“doh – he – yee” he said a few times
but didn’t know how to spelldohiyi“.

David would later figure out the
spelling and meaning of
“where peace resides” or “walks in peace”.  

Again though, Grandpa didn’t know what these words meant, having lost all access to his true heritage.   He was HIDDEN by an adopting Spanish family.   Ironic that those initiating the Hellish American pain (Spainards) wound up saving our Cherokee family?

You must understand the Genocide that was very much alive as of 1900, to appreciate why David’s Grandfather and all generations since, were “hidden” under a non Cherokee \ Comanche identity, and likewise why David’s Mother [secretively passed] along a messages from her side [Anishinaabe, Mohawk] of The Understanding.


*He is The PeaceMaker [innocent, loving pattern energy, returning yet again].

Ancestory Killed by Mixed Marriage

Kill the Tribe by Sparking the Ego and Individuality


And here is the true mystery and beauty of this deathbed exchange, spanning several lifetimes.   In 2015 during a work engagement in Cherokee territory (Bartlesville OK), David was again affirmed in an impromptu Naming Ceremony, as DoHiYi.   The Circle of affirmation was complete.   David had no remaining doubt, who he was and his Purpose in Life.

While David had always felt at-home in the world in a total state of tranquil peace, it was hard for him to hear this in that moment (1986), as his Grandfather was dying and his mother just announced with Terminal Cancer.

The Native American genocide that began in the 1500s (and continues silently today), required denial of our Native “Understanding [to just let go, accept all happenings, and flow in the Great Mystery)” by letting go of the culture and language which helped us-together to Feel what was inherently and obviously true about the Great Mystery [of Life].

GGG Mother knew what was transpiring in 1838 and why it was necessary, as well as how to reverse it someday.

For Harmony’s storyline, the end of a Trail of Tears part 1part 2 (for all Natives), began in 1971, was affirmed in 1976, with a convergence event beginning in 1987 and ending in 1989 with David’s mother passing, now revealing  SELF fully in 2020.   The Pandemic is a not-so-remarkable “co-incidence“.

Although painfully denied his lineage (until age 22), David remains fortunate to roam all lands freely, like the never-caged wolf.   No fear, kNowing the ultimate reality, and limited / voluntary self-imposed restriction.   Thankfully, he has a loving family which anchors him to reality, “returning frequently to a particular Den [village]“.  

He has not lived with his People and would never claim to be one-of nor one-with them, though is Heart remembers their elders’ loving wisdom with innocent completeness.

To experience together is to Feel and [potentially] Adapt, together.  Memory creates yOUR future, and if we desire to share that reality, we might call the result a Community.


Land as Currency to Fund Colonial War

Divisions of Land – Pure Delusion


Post-college David desired and briefly attempted to re join his People when he was 1st told the truth of his heritage. Yet he was denied by Government policy.   His Cherokee ancestors chose survival of family over a unrecognizable way of living on the Rez (relocation).  They [unknowingly] bypassed “acknowledgement” to their history as Cherokee, since they did not risk a 50% chance of death on The Trail of Tears, just to “claim Private” property ownership [a strange concept to Communal, non-nomadic Native people], which would assure an entry in the Dawes Roll of record.

David’s GGG mother escaped after her husband was beat to death in the rally-point encampment while defending her as the soldiers attempted to separate her from her new born baby [likely to toss her out or donate her – a burden to their trip].

Our lineage is referenced in this 2 minute clip as “among the few known missing”.  Sorry, but this “Roll Official and Genealogy Expert” is a damn liar!   “never say always” is the expression in full effect here.

Our family HAD to escape the perversion from their base camp, and had to keep on running for generations.   Sorry, but you lost [us, along our Way] !  Baby nvWatoHiyadv had to survive, and thrives today, within < A v >  Harmony.


John Kane – Resistance Radio (NY, USA) and Let’s Talk Native

Grandfather Blas and his children ~1968 (David’s father right most back row)

In the case of David’s mother’s lineage, it’s less clear.   Only proper/traditional indigenous ‘trait’ names were passed along verbally.   No colonizing surnames were recorded.  Any marriages were suspect as part of Land grabs, and ended their storylines early.  The only BIA roundups to “inventory” our evasive, yet thriving lineage on this side, seems to be David’s matrilineal GG grandfather, Keme’Wii-Zagam, who appears on the government’s Durant roll.

David hopes to somehow, eventually satisfy the requirements to prove who he really is, to those who might recognize and welcome him home among the Anishinaabe.  The Durant roles may again have final, “federal BIA authority”. As of July 2023, it seems he will be denied, due to insufficient paperwork from the USA Gov’t and the Tribal Council deferring their self-determination to the US Gov’t, yet again!  It was a long, sad, affirming conversation with the Enrollment manager.  “Our hands are tied.  More relatives denied. 😢”

Who determines your identity and existING? You do!  But not in isolation – your CommUnity engagement, embracing of culture through Language and Location, determine who you are.

David is reclaiming his indigenous tongue, in both Tsalagi and Anishinaabemowin.
Words sit in front of Thought, and Thought in front of beLIEfS.  He is decolonizing his heart.

His Peoples are beginning to embrace him. Rightly so, they are jaded by pretendians and the BIA’s intentional wedge they’ve driven between those who remained ON the reservation, versus those who were stolen away (my situation, times 5).

yOur collective Understanding, Respect, and Love for a Way of co-existing toGetHer 🌎 … defines your existing.
Sorry Gov’t, you do NOT have final say on whether I existed.
Your cute SSN# and birth certificates do NOT define my Heart, our Original Way of existing, and thus our pure innocence-based Understanding.

FIVE entire honorable lineages, pruned from history.  Maternal: Odawa/Ojibwe, Mohawk.  Paternal: Cherokee, Apache / Wyandot, Comanche.  Success, claims the Government (quietly).  Silence is Acceptance of genocide?

John Kane – Resistance Radio (NY, USA) and Let’s Talk Native

Compounding David’s decade of wandering away from the original way of existing, was his own capitalistic-inertia, though “UNsuccessfully conforming” to the rules of his multi-generational assimilated reality.  Corporate america quickly taught David what he was NOT.   He is not “american”.  Amer-i-can’t !  (verbing mockery of English subjagation and domination over ProNouns as Objects, has always been david’s fun; a true sign of DNA embedding of his Peoples verb-based languages)

It hurts him to think his Peoples might label him a “sell out”.  His ancestors chose life, against very unfavorable odds.   David has known and been painfully reminded for years, that he also does not fit within progressive, “civilized” society.  David has carried the deepest sadness, not growing out from any specific indigenous culture, with their Language and Community.   But David DOES feel fully, his ancient relationship to their LAND.

To this day, he has refused to live outside of the Odawa cession 205 in Michigan, nor to leave the Great Lakes region completely.  His southern home is the last neighborhood in 205 cession and the middle of his street is the last inch of Ottawa county!

He intends to visit the Cherokee Lands in 2023 for the 1st time, likely deferring until then, because of immense pain and draw to that area, which he knows he’ll feel.

His original awareness and understanding of who he really is, compels him to heal both the transgressors of indigenous Peoples, as well as his Peoples’ own ongoing self-repression.  He is reclaiming his languages, symbiotic thinking [non-polar acting], and his vocal tone, so that his People (present and ancestral) can recognize him again, and welcome him home.

Dohiyi (aka David) found some peace in April of 2021.   Some of his People welcomed him home.  He was officially made part of the Southern Cherokee Nation – Red Fire People, a United Nations recognized neutral Nation (State).   The USA Gov’t has too much to lose, so the SCN-RFP are not federally recognized by the USA.  And since the USA “played” a key role in forming the UN, UN Recognition doesn’t carry much power while attempting to demonstrate self-determination withIN the USA stolen territories.

500 years of pain – the healing begins.   Beginning to return home after 5 generations of being hidden by loving ancestors, left wandering the unfamiliar wilderness of colonized Turtle Island.   Walks-in-Peace (DoHiYi, Bizaan-ayaa) is free once again.

I’ve known since age 5, my true origin.   I’m damn proud of my Ancestors, for helping me make it into this reality.  The grotesque life experience they endured, to ensure our Way of Understanding life (as a blissful, Great Mystery) was unimaginable.  Wado ꮹꮩ🙏🏽 Chi-Miigwech ᒮᒃᐌᑦᒡ 🙏🏽 Nia:Wen 🙏🏽  

If you ask David about his ancestors, please just listen?  DoHiYi has grown so tired of the quick default response from the #meNDNtoo craze.   Please don’t rush to respond with the 23 and Me response of “having spit in a DNA tube” and that you must have a GGG grandparent in your lineage also.  Swab your ears, not your mouth?   If you have NO time with your ancestors, you have no cultural reference to what you are “quick-claiming” and it becomes more of a Quit-Claim Deed instead.

DoHiYi does feel bad for people who don’t know who they are, but DO suspect something is terribly wrong in North America.  Quite scary to wake-up one morning and realize that you are on stolen land as part of massive Genocide – an imposter syndrome of mega (MAGA ?) scale, not worthy of the air and minerals you consume?  The defensive reAction is to quickly say “I’m innocent, that was my Ancestors doing several generations back!”  Sorry, the judicial system has provisions to ensure the ugly history remains hidden.   Great unjustice and despairity continues daily.   [re] Educate your selves-apart, to remember you are a-part of something much more – relativity. If you dare ponder next, WHY this may have all happened – why is Life designed for such pain in separation?! Contact DoHiYi or read his book, for a pure love explanation.

Understand the violent past before you co-claim the side of the victim.   Perhaps your white GGG ancestor was the perpetrator?

I KNOW my history.  3/8ths of my lineage is to blame.   I know their actual storylines and gross impact, and I’m trying to acknowledge, apologize to my indigenous Relatives, and restore a balance of respect and support for 5/8ths of my Relatives.  Think Local, ACT Local !! I have been processing ALL of it for 30 years.   I claim full ResponseAbility for ALL sides of the trauma!

John Kane – Resistance Radio (NY, USA) and Let’s Talk Native

If you minimally understand the true history of indigenous Peoples spanning the Great Lakes to the Rio Grande, it’s a mind-blowing realization that DoHiYi was finally being [partially, father’s side] welcomed home.   Perhaps he is to serve as a bridge for Peace and rebalancing of humanity.

Only indigenous seekers recognize him and his offering, while the rest usually shun him.   It has been a lonely life, yet crucial to the next level of existing.


This scene from Rez Dogs reflects David’s White-Energy abilities, summoning his Ancestors via his DnA.   David can’t help but to cry when watching this scene.   The embrace from his Ancestors, is depicted so accurately.    Like Paulina, David is trying to reUnite his Peoples, who were intentionally broken up over the last 500 years.



Life is about to rebalance and reap what was hidden and nurtured since 1838.

A new Way of Existing & Knowing, without such contrasting extremes.

The path of Duyugtvi, is being-revealed.

What will we do … next?

  Harmony's mission is to help people
broaden their Attention to regain full Awareness,
witness their [artificial dis] Connection within Life's
inherently Symbiotic Relationship,
and naturally adapt in the Compassionate Way.

reBalancing the energy of Life,
reducing the XY Mode of limitless
expansion and domination.  
Duyugtvi (in his language) : AiKiDo or Midewiwin as demonstrated understanding

Learn More

AyV The Prophet, Returning & Reminding

ReMembering a Compassionate Pattern of Life

iditlv datsadasehesdesdi

“Witness one as other, Flowing in a Compassionate Way, without confining or pushing.


Midewiwin   ᒥᑌᐄᐄᓐ

“The Mysterious Way of Heart

“the way of harmonious spirit”

The Sacred Choker - It's Meaning

How were they made?

As the name would imply, American Indians made their bone chokers from animal bones. A majority came from birds, buffalo, and deer—bird legs were especially well-suited to making chokers. The animal was not typically killed for the purpose of jewelry making, but rather the remains were used after a death from natural causes or by predator. Discovering animal bones was considered a sign of good luck.

David’s Ancestors originate from:

    • Father’s Mother: the Anitsiskwa (Bird) Clan of the Aniyunwiya (the Principle Peoples of north america, aka Cherokee as named by England),
    • Father’s Father: the Numunuu (aka the Comanche, “Lords of the Southern Plains” as named by Spain)
    • Mother’s Mother: the Ojibwe and Algonquin (aka Chippewa, as anglicized by the Colonials, known collectively by Candians as the Anishinaabe the First Nation’s Peoples)
    • Mother’s Father: the Kanienʼkehá:ka (“People of the Flint”, aka the Mohawk, part of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, aka Iroquois as named by France)

Once the bones were cleaned and smoothed, they were boiled until softened, making them malleable enough to be shaped. Smaller bones were sometimes used as beads and colored with minerals, plants, or berry juices. This color was preserved regularly with fat. Precious stones like turquoise or shell were also sometimes used to ornament the choker, if they were available.

Today we use leather to tie the components of the necklace together and maintain an authentic look, but Native Americans used the sinew from deer or buffalo carcass. A bone awl or porcupine quill would be fashioned into a needle for threading.

How were they used?

Historically, Native American chokers functioned as a form of protection for tribal warriors—guarding the jugular and deflecting arrows from the neck in battle. Sometimes they were attached to full breastplates as well, since bone is a very strong and nearly impenetrable natural resource.

Chokers were often a sign of wealth in American Indian culture, and wearing one was an indication of high social ranking. They were also sometimes worn during certain tribal ceremonies.

What is the meaning behind them?

The Native American bone choker served not only to protect a warrior physically, but spiritually as well. Specifically, the choker was thought to protect the voice and provide great speaking abilities to the wearer. The bone choker would guide the warrior to speak the truth directly from the heart.

The spirit of the animal that made the choker was believed to be invoked when worn. In fact, some Native Americans had vision dreams about specific animals and asked the tribe’s Medicine Man to make the necklace for them. Bone chokers were usually made by the Medicine Man so that they could use their spiritual power to infuse the piece with protection and powers—giving it special and personal meaning to the individual wearer. The number of strands used to make it was sometimes believed to hold specific meaning too.

Lastly, the bone choker was considered a way to honor the life and respect the sacrifice of the animal whose remains were used to create it. Native American culture is very in tune with nature and believes every one of its elements has its own spirit that should be held sacred. For this reason, every available functional part of an animal is used after death.

This choker is 16 in. long…..features a 5 row design with a attached Mini Breastplate.  When creating this choker they used these natural materials:  <> WHITE BONE HAIRPIPE  <> CHERRY DYED HORN BEADS  <> POLISHED ANTLER BUTTON  <> POLISHED ANTLER TUBES  <> SHELL CONCHO  <> SOFT STRONG DEERSKIN (SADDLE)  <> BRASS BEADS  AND XL REINFORCED TIES.

What does it represent and why does David where it with such honor?   Review David’s role in Indigenous Prophecy.  This is the Seer’s War [on Words, separating-Mind] choker.  The White vs Red vs Black serpents.   Spirit (white, all of Life’s entities) versus [red] Integrating earthly conflict under a feel [intense emotional ConCept, excessive Thinking] of immense Separation (as separate People cut off, apart from, fighting against Nature and one-anOther for a meager survival).   David’s [his recursive, spanning life ‘pattern’, not him as a thumb-printable false Ego] life mission was unCovered in 2021 amidst the Emotional Pandemic.

i adapted to the name and gestures of my euro-christian dominators, i spoke their language(s) but never embraced their ConCepts, i held on to my Original Understanding, my ancient energy pattern and “being”, and in this peaceful waiting-state rests my resistance and overcoming, a long outWaiting [⭕️ut-living] of those who’d rather i beLIEve and never kNow.” ― nvWa✚oHiyadv  |  ⭕️bizaan-ayaa (from the Land of Dawn, keeper of a painful secret – Keme’wiizagam) …
using an adapted quote from N. Scott Momaday, House Made of Dawn

Colonial interpretations of what it Meant, FELT like to live in true Harmony with all of Life … mostly laughable … but at least this Hollywood Account “attempts” to honor and admit a better, more loving Way to co-exist.